Only EUR 1.00, for every 20 minutes

Blaumaņa street 20, Riga + 371 67399131 / [email protected]

Privacy policy
Personal Data Processing Policy of SIA Centrus parking

Here you can find information about the processing of your personal data by the data controller SIA Centrus parking, Reg. No. 40103608440, registered office: Blaumaņa iela 20, Riga, LV-1011 (hereinafter also – we, our, us).  The following information applies not only to the use of the Car Park but also to all communication with us, including at and on other social media platforms. It is possible that we will make changes to the way we process personal data, so please check this Personal Data Processing Policy regularly for the most important information. 

For what purpose does SIA Centrus parking use your personal data?
  • We carry out video surveillance in the Car Park with the aim of preventing and detecting criminal offences involving our property and the property of third parties, including the protection of the property of Car Park customers, in order to obtain and preserve evidence.  The recordings made by the CCTV systems installed in the Car Park may record your Vehicle (national registration number, make and model, colour), the time of entry and exiting the Car Park, as well as the image, appearance, visually recorded behaviour of you and the passengers of the Vehicle, time and place of personal image recording, behaviour and movement in the Car Park. The legal basis for video surveillance is the legitimate interest of the Controller (Article 6(1)(f) of the Regulation). The storage period for video recordings is 1 month.
  • In order for you to be able to sign up for a subscription card or enter into a long-term subscription agreement, we process your personal data on the basis of your consent and your request to enter into an agreement: name, surname, personal identity number, address, email, telephone number as well as billing information to make sure that you have made a payment and to contact you in the case of failure to make a payment or in other emergencies (for example, if your Vehicle needs to be moved for some reason). The legitimate basis for processing is the data subject’s consent (Article 6(1)(a) of the Regulation) and/or the conclusion and execution of an agreement (Article 6(1)(b) of the Regulation) and/or the legitimate interest of the Controller (Article 6(1)(f) of the Regulation). 
  • SIA Centrus parking may process your personal data to respond to your enquiries about the use of the Car Park, including on social media platforms. If you post a question or request in a publicly accessible form on our social networking platform or in another publicly accessible form, we shall respond by means of the same communication channel. The reply may clarify information about the parking time of your Vehicle and other information about your Vehicle and the conditions of use of the Car Park that is relevant and answers your questions. If you do not want us to answer you publicly, please send your question via a private communication channel, such as a social networking platform (Facebook Messenger, etc.) or submit such by email, or in person at our office.
  • To encourage more active communication with us and the more frequent use of our Car Park, we sometimes run competitions on social media platforms and other communication channels. By entering the competition, you agree that we shall use the personal data you provide in your entry to determine the winner and distribute the prize. The legitimate basis for processing is the data subject’s consent (Article 6(1)(a) of the Regulation) and the Controller’s legal obligation (Article 6(1)(c) of the Regulation). 
  • If we are unable to locate proof of payment or in cases of a breach of the Car Park Regulations of Use, we shall take a photo record of your use of the Car Park to provide you with information and evidence. If you have not paid for our services, we shall contact you using the contact details you have provided above. The legitimate basis for the processing of personal data is the legitimate interest of the Controller (Article 6(1)(f) of the Regulation). 
  • We may use the Vehicle registration plate number to find out if you have paid using the Mobilly payment system. If there is any doubt about the payment, we shall use the Vehicle registration plate number to check that you have not mistakenly paid for another area when paying with Mobilly.
How does SIA Centrus parking share your information with business partners and third parties?

We have engaged a number of partners and parties to ensure that you have somewhere to park your vehicle and that you can easily pay for parking. We work with payment service providers and automated payment system operators to ensure that you can pay for parking conveniently. If, despite a reminder, we have not received payment for the use of our Car Park, we shall communicate your personal data to licensed providers of out-of-court debt recovery services in order to recover payment for the service provided and to enforce the agreement. We shall not provide your personal data to third parties unless it is necessary for the performance of the Car Park Agreement of Use or for the protection of our rights or property. If public officials reasonably request the release of your personal data within the scope of their statutory competence, we shall provide the information requested.

How does SIA Centrus parking process and store your personal data?

We care about your privacy. We process your personal data in accordance with the Car Park Terms of Use and the purpose of the agreement, minimising the amount of data processed as far as possible. Only the employees of SIA Centrus parking and its business partners who are directly involved in the provision of the Car Park service, customer service, payment processing, debt collection and other functions of our core business may have access to your personal data for the performance of their job or service. SIA Centrus parking and its partners and their employees are committed to ensuring the confidentiality of your personal data. We store your personal data for as long as it is necessary to fulfil the Car Park Agreement of Use and the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Latvia. After the agreement has been fulfilled, we shall store your personal data in archived form until the expiry of the statute of limitations in accordance with the law, and your personal data shall only be accessible in special cases, such as for the defence of our rights or property or to comply with a request from public officials. If the retention period of your personal data is required by law, we shall retain your personal data for the period required by law. If you have shared your personal data with us publicly on a social networking platform, for example, in the course of a competition or by asking a question, we will comply with the social networking platform’s privacy policy regarding the storage and deletion of data. You can ask for your data to be deleted or rectified. 

How does SIA Centrus parking take care of the security of your personal data?

To protect your personal data, we use proportionate security methods that are set according to the risk assessment and the level of risk. Only employees of SIA Centrus parking who need to do so for the performance of their direct job duties may have access to your personal data.

How can you control your personal data processed by SIA Centrus parking?

As a data subject, you have the right to manage your personal data. You can contact us if you wish to access, erase, correct or restrict the processing of your personal data. You also have the right to object to processing and exercise the right to data portability. If you would like to ask us a question about the processing of your personal data, you can contact us by sending an email to: [email protected]